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ঘরে বসে উন্নত মানের শিক্ষা গ্রহণ

Class Schedule

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6:15 pm to 7:15 pm






Higher Math






Higher Math






Higher Math


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Class Schedule

Day / Time

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

6:15 pm to 7:15 pm






Higher Math






Higher Math






Higher Math


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Course Curriculum

Higher Math

  • Chapter One : Real Number and Inequalities
  • Chapter Two : Linear Programming
  • Chapter Three : Complex Number
  • Chapter Four : Polynomials and Polynomial Equations
  • Chapter Five : Binomial Expansions
  • Chapter Six : Conics
  • Chapter Seven : Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Trigonometric Equations
  • Chapter Eight : Statics
  • Chapter Nine : Motion of Particles in a Plane
  • Chapter Ten : Measures of Dispersions and Probability






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Course Curriculum

Chapter NameClassSyllabus
Chaper-1: Real Number and Inequalities Cass-1Introduction to Real Numbers
Cass-2Mathematical Solution of the Inequalities
Cass-3Solution Set of Number Line
Cass-4Proves of Axioms of the Real Numbers Related to Inequality
Cass-5Characteristics of Absolute Value & Proof
Cass-6Graphical Representation of Inequality
Cass-7Graphical Representation of Inequality
Chaper-2: Linear ProgrammingCass-8Concept of Linear Programming
Cass-9Linear Programming Diagram- 1
Cass-10Linear Programming Diagram- 2
Cass-11Exercise Solutions
Chaper-5: Permutation and Combination (1st)Cass-12Basic Concepts, Factorials, Theorems
Cass-15Solution to the Permutation
Cass-17Combination, Conditional Combination, Examples
Cass-19Solution to the Combination
Cass-20Solution to the Combination & Permutation Combination
Chaper-4: Polynomials and Polynomial EquationsCass-21Polynomials, Quadratic Equations and Solutions.
Cass-23Separately, Determine the Conditions and Nature of the Roots of Quadratic Equations
Cass-25Quadratic Equation Structure and Value of Antiderivative of Root, Cubic Equation Structure, Examples
Cass-27Exercise Solutions
Chaper-5: Binomial ExpansionsCass-29Concept of Binomial Theorem, Pascal’s Triangle, Common Terms
Cass-31Middle Term, Equidistant Term, Example
Cass-33Exercise Solutions
Cass-35Binomial expansion in infinite series, convergence, and binomial expansion through partial fractions
Cass-37Exercise Solutions
Chaper-6: ConicsCass-39Conics
Cass-40Epicenter, Eccentricity and Regulator
Cass-41Circle, Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola
Cass-42Representation of Conics with the help of images
Cass-43Equations and Graphs of Parabolas
Cass-44Length of the epicenter perpendicular to the paracycle, coordinates of the epicenter and vertex, and equation of the controller
Cass-45Characteristics of the graph of a parabola, determination of tangents and points of tangency
Cass-46Solve Practice Problems
Cass-47Equation and Graphing of an Ellipse
Cass-48Epicenter and ruler of an ellipse
Cass-49Determining the major axis of the minor axis of the ellipse
Cass-50Determining the eccentricity of an ellipse
Cass-51Solve Practice Problems
Cass-52Equation and Graphing of a Hyperbola
Cass-53Determining the parametric coordinates and eccentricity of a hyperbola
Cass-54Identifying the different parts of a hyperbola
Cass-55Solve practice problems
Chaper-7: Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Trigonometric EquationsCass-56Inverse trigonometric functions and principal values
Cass-57Graph of inverse trigonometric function
Cass-58Solve practice problems
Cass-59General solutions to trigonometric equations
Cass-60Solving trigonometric equations in specific intervals
Cass-61Solve Practice Problems
Cass-62Graphing a trigonometric function and its inverse function on the same axis
Chaper-8: StaticsCass-63Basic concepts of Statics
Cass-64Resultant of Two Forces
Cass-65Part of Forces
Cass-66Solve Practice Problems
Cass-67Balance of Forces
Cass-68Triangle formula of force at equilibrium
Cass-69Lamy’s theorem for forces in equilibrium
Cass-70Equilibrium conditions for a plane force combination
Cass-71Solve Practice Problems
Cass-72Finding the parallel force acting on an object
Cass-73Solve Practice Problems
Cass-74Resultant of Two Forces using Graph
Chaper-9: Motion of Particles in a PlaneCass-75Motional quantities: displacement, velocity, acceleration
Cass-76Multiple velocity gains
Cass-77Relative velocity
Cass-78Solve Practice Problems
Cass-79Motions of particles moving with uniform acceleration in a straight line
Cass-80Distance and average velocity covered in 1 second
Cass-81Particle trajectory diagram
Cass-82Determining the velocity and acceleration of a particle from a graph
Cass-83Solve Practice Problems
Cass-84Applying the laws of acceleration to vertical motion
Cass-86The trajectory of particles in a graph
Cass-87Determining the velocity and acceleration of a particle from a graph
Cass-88Solve Practice Problems
Chaper-10: Measures of Dispersions and ProbabilityCass-89Dispersion of Data
Cass-90Measures of Dispersion – 01
Cass-91Measures of Dispersion – 02
Cass-92Solve Practice Problems
Cass-93Concept of Probability
Cass-94The concept of recurrent probability
Cass-95Probability relationship for mutually exclusive and non-exclusive events
Cass-96Multiplication formula for probability for mutually dependent and independent events
Cass-97Real-life problem solving
Cass-98Solve Practice Problems
Cass-99Determining moderate intervals and differences
Cass-100Determining the probability of various events
Cass-101Solve Practice Problems
Chapter NameClassSyllabus
Chapter-2: Static ElectricityClass-1Charge, Coulombs Law
Class-2Electric Field,Field Intensity,Field Line
Class-3Electric Potential
Class-4Electric Dipole.
Class-5Permittivity of a Dielectric.
Class-6Capacitors in Combination, Energy of Capacitors, and Their Uses
Class-7Insulators and Dielectrics, Gauss’s Law, Deriving Gauss’s Law from Coulomb’s Law.
Class-8Mathematical Examples.
Class-9Mathematical Examples.
Chapter-3: Current ElectricityClass-10Effects of Temperature on Resistance, Electrochemical Cells, and Electrodynamics.
Class-11Electric Energy and Power, Ohm’s Law, Resistance and Conductance, Laws of Resistance.
Class-12Resistivity and Internal Resistance of Cells, Electromotive Force (EMF).
Class-13Combination of Cells, Kirchhoff’s Law.
Class-14Use of Shunt Resistor.
Class-15Solving Mathematical Problems.
Chapter-9: Wave (1st)Class-16Wave Generation, Origin of Sound Waves, Waves and Energy, Characteristics of Waves and Their Types.
Class-17Definitions Related to Waves, Relationship Between Wave Speed, Wavelength, and Frequency.
Class-18Progressive Waves, Mathematical Expressions for Progressive Waves, and Sound Intensity.
Class-19Mathematical Expressions for Wave Intensity and Superposition Principle
Class-20Standing Waves.
Class-21Resonance and Sound Intensity and Intensity Levels.
Class-22Beat or Beat Frequency, Characteristics and Mathematical Expressions of Beats.
Class-23Harmonics or Overtones.
Chapter-4: Magnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismClass-24Oersted’s Concept of Magnetic Field and Determination of Magnetic Field Strength, Biot-Savart Law.
Class-25Applications of Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, and Lorentz Force.
Class-26Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire in a Magnetic Field, Force Between Two Parallel Current-Carrying Wires.
Class-27Hall Effect and Hall Coefficient, Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field.
Class-28Orbiting Electrons, Electron Spin, and Magnetic Fields, Earth’s Magnetism and Its Components, Magnetic Declination.
Class-29Magnetism, Classification of Magnetic Materials, and Antiferromagnetic Substances.
Class-30Electromagnets and Permanent Magnets.
Class-31Solving Mathematical Problems.
Chapter-5: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating CurrentClass-32Electromagnetic Induction, Induced EMF.
Class-33Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density, Lenz’s Law.
Class-34Self-Induction and Mutual Induction.
Class-35Concept of Direct Current and Alternating Current, Alternating Current Dynamo, Generation of Alternating Current.
Class-36Solving Mathematical Problems.
Chapter-7: Physical OpticsClass-37Electromagnetic waves
Class-40Huygens’ principle, concept
Class-41Huygens’ principle
Class-42Interference of light
Class-43Young’s double-slit experiment
Class-44Mathematical problem-solving
Chapter-8: Introduction of Modern PhysicsClass-45Concepts of modern physics, material structure, and immaterial structure
Class-46Einstein’s theory of relativity
Class-47Galilean transformation
Class-48Lorentz transformation
Class-49Time dilation according to the theory of relativity
Class-50Length contraction
Class-51Mass increase
Class-52Mathematical problem-solving
Chapter-9: Atomic Model & Nuclear PhysicsClass-53Concept of atomic structure and its evolution,Alpha particle experiment,Rutherford’s atomic model
Class-54Bohr’s atomic model
Class-55Energy levels
Class-56Structure of the nucleus
Class-58Radioactive decay,Radioactive transformation,Half-life,Mean life
Class-59Mass defect, binding energy
Class-60Nuclear reactions
Chapter-10: Semi-Conductor & ElectronicsClass-61Band theory
Class-62Conductive, non-conductive, and semiconductor in light of band theory
Class-63Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
Class-64Concept of electrons and holes
Class-65P-type semiconductor and N-type semiconductor
Class-66Working of junction diode
Class-68Bridge rectification
Chapter-11: AstronomyClass-69Introduction to astronomy
Class-70Hubble’s law
Class-71Big Bang model
Class-72Quark, gluon, and quark-gluon plasma
Class-73Higgs boson particle
Class-74Life cycle of stars
Class-75Black hole or singularity
Chapter NameClassSyllabus
Chaper-7: Gymnosperm and Angiosp (1st)Class-1Characterstics of Gymnosperms,Characterstics of Cycas,Classification,Structure,Living Fossil,Similarities between Cycas and Fern,Reproduction and Importance
Class-2Angitosperms and their characterstics,difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms,introduction to angiosperm families,habit,stem,roots,leaf,inflorescence
Class-3Inflorescence of angioperms,Aestivation
Class-4Placentation of angiosperms,their flower,fruit,floral formula and floral diagram
Class-5Family of monocotyledonous plant
Class-6Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-8: Tissue and Tissue System (1st)Class-7Tissue and its classification,function of meristematic tissue,classification of permanent and meristematic tissue,their difference and characterstics
Class-8Permanent tissue and tissue system
Class-9Epidermal pores,stomata,ground tissue system
Class-10Vascular tissue system and vascular bundle
Class-11Internal structure of roots and stems of monocotyledon plant
Class-12Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-6: Human Physiology: Wastes & Elimination (2nd)Class-13Human excretory system, structure of kidney
Class-14Function of kidney and ultrastructure of kidney
Class-15Physiology of excretion and Urine
Class-16Role of kidney in osmoregulation & excretion.
Class-17Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-10: Plant Reproduction (1st) Class-18Types of reproduction-sexual reproduction in plants-1.
Class-19Types of reproduction-sexual reproduction in plants-2.
Class-20Asexual reproduction.
Class-22Artificial Breeding-concept,plant hybridization mechanism,importance.
Class-23Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-10: Protection of Human Body (Immunity) (2nd)Class-24Concept of human defence system,The first layer of defence.
Class-25The second layer of defence
Class-26The third layer of defence.
Class-27Role of antibody,vaccine & memory cells in immunity.
Class-28Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-8: Human Physiology: Coordination & Control (2nd)Class-29Neural Coordination-concept,brain(structure,division,function).
Class-30Cranial nerves(origin,nature & function).
Class-31Human sensory organs-Eye(structure & function).
Class-32Human sensory organs-Ear(structure & function).
Class-33Chemical coordination.
Class-34Location,secretion and action of endocrine glands.
Class-35Effect of hormone & impact of uncontrol use of hormone.
Class-36Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-9: Plant Physiology (1st)Class-37Absorption of mineral salts-absorption process,active & passive absorption
Class-38Transpiration,stomata,opening and closing mechanism of stomata
Class-41Calvin cycle,hatch and slack pathway,limiting factors.
Class-43Kreb’s cycle
Class-44Electron transport system
Class-45Anaerobic respiration
Class-46Incomplete oxidation of pyruvic acid and factors of respiration
Class-47Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chapter-11: Biotechnology (1st)Class-48Biotechnology.
Class-49Tissue culture technology-process & use.
Class-50Genetic engineering & its mechanism.
Class-51Recombinent DNA technology
Class-52Gene cloning.
Class-53Use of biotechnology.
Class-54Production of human insulin.
Class-55Genome sequencing and its application.
Class-56Principles of biosafety in application of biotechnology.
Class-57Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chapter 12: Environment, Distribution and Conservation of Living Organisms (1st)Class-58Species,population,Biotic community
Class-59Ecological pyramid and types,adaptation of organisms-aquatic,desert,saline water.
Class-61Zoogeographical regions-oriental regions.
Class-62Forest areas of Bangladesh-biodiversity.
Class-63Coastal forest and green belt ,characterstics of coastal forest vegetation.
Class-64Introduction to endangered organism,endangered plants,animals,mechanism of biodiversity.
Class-65In situ conservation,botanical garden,sanctuary.
Class-66Fish sanctuary,ex situ conservation,low temperature,liquid nitrogen
Class-67Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chapter-11: Genetics and Evolution (2nd)Class-68Mendelian inheritance-1st and 2nd law.
Class-69Chromosome theory of inheritance.
Class-70Deviations of Mendel’s law.
Class-71Polygenic inheritance.
Class-72Sex determination principles.
Class-73Sex linked disorder-colour blindness,haemophilia,DMD.
Class-74ABO blood group and Rh-factor problems.
Class-75Concept of evolution.
Class-76Theories of evolution.
Class-77Evidence of evolution.
Class-78Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chapter 12: Animal Behaviour Class-79The nature of behaviour-behavioural change in response to stimuli,relation between behaviour and heredity.
Class-80Innate behaviour-taxes,reflexes,instinct.
Class-81Justification of innate behaviour
Class-83Theory of pavlov’s-reflex of saliva of dogs.
Class-84Social behaviour-altruism-selflessness to others.
Class-85Social behaviour of honey bee.
Class-86Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chaper-5: Human Physiology: Respiration & BeratingClass-87Human respiratory system.
Class-88Control of ventilation mechanism & ventilation mechanism.
Class-89Transport of gases -O2.
Class-90Comparison of X-ray of lungs,artificial respiration.
Class-91Respiratory pigments and their role in respiration.
Class-92Problems,symptoms and remedy of respiratory tract disease.
Class-93Problem solving,Exercise & Queries.
Chapter NameClassSyllabus
Chapter 2: organic Chemistry (2nd Paper)Class 1What is organic chemistry, organic compounds, and the vital force theory? Speciality of carbon in the formation of organic compounds. Comparative features of organic and inorganic compounds
Class 2Classification of organic compounds, nature of bonds in organic compounds, modern orbital overlap theory, and types of covalent bonds
Class 3Atomic orbital hybridization and tetra-valent carbon
Class 4Isomerism in organic compounds and its types.
Class 5Homologous series, functional groups, nomenclature of organic compounds-1 (alkanes)
Class 6Nomenclature of organic compounds-2 (alkenes, alkynes)
Class 7Nomenclature of organic compounds-3 (alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers).
Class 8Nomenclature of organic compounds-4 (thiols, carboxylic acids, esters, acid anhydrides, amines, amides, cyanides)
Class 9Nomenclature of organic compounds-5 (naming compounds with multiple functional groups)
Class 10Nomenclature of organic compounds-6 (aromatic compounds, organometallic compounds)
Class 11Aliphatic and aromatic compounds – substitution reactions
Class 12Aromatic hydrocarbons, preparation of benzene and toluene, aromaticity.
Class 13Reactions of aromatic hydrocarbons, differences between aliphatic and aromatic compounds.
Class 14
Class 15Free radicals, electrophiles, nucleophiles
Class 16Addition reactions, Markovnikov’s rule, elimination reactions (Saytzeff’s rule)
Class 17
Class 18Substitution reactions, Sn1, Sn2 mechanisms.
Class 19Atomic rearrangement or isomerization, multiple substitution reactions in benzene, and orientation.
Class 20
Class 21Preparation and identification reactions of alkanes
Class 22Preparation and identification reactions of alkenes
Class 23
Class 24Preparation and identification reactions of alkynes
Class 25
Class 26Preparation of alkyl halides and aryl halides.
Class 27
Class 28Preparation and identification reactions of alcohols
Class 29
Class 30Preparation and identification reactions of ethers
Class 31Preparation and identification reactions of amines.
Class 32
Class 33Aldehydes and ketones.
Class 34
Class 35
Class 36Carboxylic acids
Class 37
Class 38Esters
Class 39Amides
Class 40Identification of functional groups in various classes of organic compounds
Class 41Glycerin and phenol – preparation, identification reactions.
Class 42
Class 43Nitroglycerin and TNT
Class 44Dettol, paracetamol
Class 45olymers and plasticity, addition polymerization reactions
Class 46Glycosidic and peptide bonds in polymer molecules, importance of organic compounds in daily life.
Chapter 3: Stoichiometric Chemistry (2nd Paper)Class 47Chemical calculations and molar volume of gases
Class 48Calculations based on molar volume of gases using chemical equations, Method for writing balanced chemical equations, ionic equations.
Class 49Application of Gay-Lussac’s law, determination of gas volume from chemical equations.
Class 50Calculations of gas mass and volume from reactant mass, limiting reactants.
Class 51Molar concentration or molarity of solutions. Converting molarity to percentage and ppm, interconversion between molarity and percentage, converting molarity to ppm
Class 52
Class 53
Class 54Acid-base neutralization reactions and equivalence points, indicators.
Class 55Calculations based on acid-base neutralization reactions.
Class 56
Class 57Oxidation-reduction reactions, oxidation numbers, and redox reactions
Class 58
Class 59Chemical calculations based on oxidation-reduction reactions.
Class 60
Class 61
Chapter 4: Electro-Chemistry (2nd Paper)Class 62Electrical conductivity and its types. Differences between metallic (electronic) conductivity and electrolytic conductivity. Conductivity of electrolytes and types of electrolytic conductivity.
Class 63Variation of equivalent conductivity with changes in concentration of electrolytes. Conductivity cells and cell constants
Class 64Explanation of conductivity in electrolytes, units of measurement. Faraday’s first law of electrolysis, applicability, and limitations of Faraday’s laws.
Class 65Determining the quantity of electrolytic substances using Faraday’s laws. Significance of Faraday’s laws.
Class 66
Class 67Electrolysis of ionic compounds in solutions, electrode reactions, and industrial applications of electrolysis. Metal reactivity series
Class 68Oxidation half-reactions and reduction half-reactions. Symbolic representation of electrodes and cells
Class 69Electrode potential, electrode potential, and the metal reactivity series.
Class 70
Class 71Relationship between the spontaneity of a process and Gibbs free energy reduction, Red-Ox reactions, cell potential, and standard cell potential.
Class 72Nernst equation for electrode and cell potentials. Types of electrodes. Construction of metal-metal ion electrodes.
Class 73One-compartment and two-compartment electrochemical cells. Characteristics and differences between electrochemical cells and galvanic cells.
Class 74
Class 75Rechargeable (lead storage and lithium) batteries, advantages and disadvantages.
Class 76
Class 77Fuel cells and their types. Anode, cathode, and fuel in fuel cells. Comparison of fuel cells and batteries. Structure and reactions in hydrogen fuel cells.
Class 78PEM fuel cell: environment-friendly H₂ fuel cells, advantages of hydrogen-fuel cells. Determination of solution pH using a pH meter.
Class 79
Chapter 5: Vocational Chemistry (1st Paper)Class 80Food safety and chemistry. Preservatives and food preservation techniques: antimicrobial.
Class 81Preservatives and food preservation techniques: antioxidants and chelating agents.
Class 82Coating and canning processes: principles and methods.
Class 83Suspension and coagulation
Class 84Preparation
Class 85
Chapter 1: Safe Use of Laboratory (1st Paper)Class 86aboratory safety guidelines
Class 87Cleaning techniques for laboratory instruments and glassware. Proper storage and handling of chemical substances.
Class 88Use of Digital balances and Paul Bunge Balance
Class 89Techniques for using various laboratory instruments.
Chapter 5: Economic Chemistry (2nd Paper)Class 90Natural gas fields in Bangladesh. Components and uses of natural gas. Coalfields in Bangladesh. Quality and uses of coal in Bangladesh. Prospects for industrialization in Bangladesh considering energy resources. Overview of significant chemical industries in Bangladesh.
Class 91Principles of production
Class 92Industrial pollutants
Class 93Principles of ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant). Recycling processes for iron, aluminum, copper, glass, paper, and plastics. Social and environmental significance of recycling iron, aluminum, copper, glass, paper, and plastics.
Class 94Basic concepts of nanoparticles and nanotechnology. Comparison of atoms, molecules, and nanoparticles. Comparison of the physical properties of nanoparticles and bulk materials. Potential industrial applications of nanoparticles.
Chapter NameClassSyllabus
Chapter 4: Introduction to Web Design and HTMLClass- 1Concept of Web Page Design
Class- 2Web Site Structure
Class- 3HTML Basics
Class- 4Concept of HTML
Class- 5Advantages of HTML
Class- 6Introduction of HTML Tages & HTML Syntax
Class- 7Formatting
Class- 8Hyperlinks
Class- 9Adding Images (including banners)
Class- 10Tables
Class- 11Designing Web Page
Class- 12Publishing a Web Site
Class- 13Practice Solution
Chapter 5: Programming LanguagesClass- 14Concept of Program
Class- 15Programming Language
Class- 16Machine Language
Class- 17Assembly Language
Class- 18 Mid Level Language
Class- 19High Level Language
Class- 20C
Class- 21C++
Class- 22Visual Basic
Class- 23Java
Class- 24Oracle
Class- 25(Algol
Class- 26Fortran
Class- 27Python
Class- 284th Generation Language- 4 GL
Class- 29Translator Program
Class- 30Compiler
Class- 31Assembler
Class- 32Interpreter
Class- 33Organization of a Program
Class- 34Steps of Developing a Program
Class- 35Algorithm
Class- 36Flow Chart
Class- 37Program Design Model
Class- 38Programming Language- C
Class- 39Concept
Class- 40Compiling of Programs
Class- 41Structure of Programs
Class- 42(Types of Data
Class- 43Constant
Class- 44Expressions
Class- 45Input Output Statements
Class- 46Conditional Statement
Class- 47Loop Statement
Class- 48Array, Function
Chapter Six: Database Management SystemsClass- 49(Database Management
Class- 50Functions of DBMS
Class- 51RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), Characteristics of RDBMS
Class- 52Uses of RDBMS
Class- 53Creating Database
Class- 54Query
Class- 55Sorting
Class- 56Indexing
Class- 57Database Relation
Class- 58Corporate Database
Class- 59Database in Government Organization
Class- 60Data Security
Class- 61Data Encryption

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Course Curriculum

Higher Math

  • Chapter One : Real Number and Inequalities
  • Chapter Two : Linear Programming
  • Chapter Three : Complex Number
  • Chapter Four : Polynomials and Polynomial Equations
  • Chapter Five : Binomial Expansions
  • Chapter Six : Conics
  • Chapter Seven : Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Trigonometric Equations
  • Chapter Eight : Statics
  • Chapter Nine : Motion of Particles in a Plane
  • Chapter Ten : Measures of Dispersions and Probability






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